Bow Valley Area: Feb. 12 | Edmonton Delivery: Feb. 18


We do not believe in GMO anything, so you understand the rest. We are grateful for everything and treat each animal with love and respect, this includes our chickens as a blessing to be able to care for in our life.

So every delicious thing you will discover came from love, not only the rich natural nutrient dense food we abundantly give them. We do all we absolutely can to deliver that love into your hands believing you will immediately feel it as soon as you even touch our eggs. We are lightning fast, SAME DAY or very NEXT morning delivered to the grocery stores, find out if anyone is that fast. FRESH love, but don't take our word for it, you will see!

John Entz

The graceful Chicken Whisperer, secretly compliments and develops each of our chicken's self esteem into radiant confidence overflowing with life, loving them unconditionally daily.

“I can’t believe the difference in the eggs! The yolks are the yellow-est I have ever seen.”

-Brittany G.

“Your eggs are soooo good, by the way.”

-Caroline C.

"Friendly service and great quality food. We love their eggs and beef."

-Chris H

We are Proud to Produce the only Omega 3 Non-GMO Project Verified Eggs in Canada.

We feed our Chickens the finest feed that we grow on our Farm, to feed our animals with daily vitamins and minerals, also Marigold and wildflower petals.

Free Range Non-GMO Eggs

How long have you been an egg farmer?

I’ve been an egg manager for 1 year and have been helping in the barn for the past 14 years.

Why did you first get into egg farming?

My grandpa was an egg farmer and it got passed down to me.

What do you enjoy most about being an egg farmer?

I really enjoy walking the birds and seeing them happy everyday.

How does it make you feel to know that you provides your fellow Albertans with fresh, nutritious, local food?

It makes me feel GREAT!!

What is your favourite egg recipe?

One of my favourite recipes is a Herbed Egg Salad Wrap.

Are the eggs fertilized?

No, they are not.

How many generations has your family been egg farming?

We are 3rd generation egg farmers.

What does being an egg farmers mean to you?

Being an egg farmer means having the privilege to produce healthy, scrumptious, nutritious product for Albertans and Canadians to enjoy.

What other livestock do you raise and/or crops do you grow on your farm?

We also grow on our own crops and custom pullet growing.

If there’s one thing you’d like the public to know about egg farming/or egg farmers, what would it be?

When you pick up an egg carton at the grocery store, pause for a minute and think about the process of eggs. We start by sowing grain, then we harvest and take it to the feed mill, grind & mix it with numerous other ingredients then it gets transferred to the barn, eaten by the laying hens which produce eggs that we gather daily. Then the eggs get graded and transported to the grocery store shelf, where you get your egg cartons from. ENJOY!!

Are the eggs the best in Canada?

Ask around and you will see. Lol

Land Line: 1-403-550-3249

Text Line: 1-587-419-0867